Ned Lamont Has To Go

Alert “06880” reader/Donut Crazy fan John Karrel was minding his own business, drinking an iced coffee and sitting on a sofa in the sugar-laden shop on the eastbound side of the train station around 3 this afternoon.

All of a sudden, in walked Governor Lamont, with 2 of his security detail.

Was he there for a strawberry frosted sprinkle donut? A cinnamon sugar cake? Perhaps one with shamrocks (special for St. Patrick’s Day week)?

Maybe the state’s chief executive was checking on the progress of our Transit Oriented Design Master Plan Committee?


The governor had to use the restroom.

As he was leaving — without ordering — John chatted him up. They exchanged pleasantries.

No one else recognized him.

Par for the course, when it comes to Fairfield County and Hartford politicians?

Or crazy?

Have you seen this man? John Karrel did.

15 responses to “Ned Lamont Has To Go

  1. Someone in a rush, in need of the facilities, and not in need of junk food. Never been there?
    Don’t politicize needing to pee.

  2. Ruth Donohue

    I’m a Democratic forever so this comment is not political. If he had a moment to chat he also had time to buy something and support a local business. Yes, we’ve all needed to go but if we’re polite we support the business that let us use the facilities. A person can be rude and entitled, regardless of their political beliefs.

  3. Steven L. Saunders

    I certainly hope the Governor passed consideration of a facilities tax, particularly in light of using a private restroom without being a patron. Perhaps a rest room tax for our public officials is in order… after all these are desperate fiscal times in our state and we must think creatively.

  4. Eric William Buchroeder SHS ‘70

    Did he wash his hands?

  5. Eleanor Sasso

    You should have stopped at your headline: “Ned Lamont Has To Go”.
    The overwhelming majority of Democratic legislators in Hartford have penned several thousand proposed bills, many/most to do with new taxes and increased taxes (even on your cat!) and we’re just short of only 3 months into the year.
    Regionalization (forced if necessary)of school districts is the worst of the worst proposals.
    Closing in on 10,000 avowed citizens of local towns are against regionalization. And they are from both sides of the aisle. The FB site is Hands Off Our Schools (HOOS). Sign on.

  6. Bonnie Bradley

    The hard shell of power and entitlement seems to make many such people impervious to the simple acts of kindness, with no recognition of appropriate gracious behavior. They just don’t see you or me or others whom they consider of little importance. We almost all are created equal in the physical sense of our bodies – two arms and legs, torso, brain, etc. but that is ground zero – and, unfortunately, not always equal even there. We all are imperfect in some way.
    Human kindness and compassion by everyone would make our world a better place for us all. Sadly, the better side of our natures has too often been smothered by anger, greed and the phantom, entitlement.
    The Governor availed himself of a convenience provided by the shopkeeper – would it have been appropriate, even gracious, for him to paused for a word and a takeout cup of coffee? Of course.
    It probably never even crossed his mind.
    Disclosure: comments above come from yours truly, a non-affiliated voter, and a “liberal” to the core.

  7. My intent in sharing some recap thoughts with Dan – and his in posting … as deftly as he does – was simply to convey one of life’s little moments.

    A further thought. As I was leaving Donut Crazy, the Governor’s two friendly security dudes – presumably having helped their boss make his next obligation – reentered, were chatting with the terrific Anna behind the DC counter, and appeared ready to order.

  8. An elected official goes to the bathroom? Seriously? That’s a news story? Surely there must be more interesting things going on in Westport to write about.

  9. Richard Fogel

    Id say Trump has to go far more then Lamont. Trump is getting fatter and fatter. His tailored coats are looking like a tent. Trump should pay the USA a use tax on his bathroom needs as we pay for his water and sewage.

  10. Bonnie Bradley

    Love your comment, Richard! Bloat of the body as well as the brain.

    • Richard Fogel

      thanks, id like his Dr to testify under under oath on his height and weight. The constant lying and the recruitment of liars reminds me of the toilet.

  11. Nancy Cleveland

    Has this site become a trump trashing forum? As for me I really don’t care what your political affiliation or beliefs are. Way to take the fun out of a forum like this!

  12. Michael Calise

    Everything Aside I believe the Facility in its entirety is a state owned waiting room for the train and the Donut Business is a vendor occupying their portion of the space only.