Oh, Crap!

Avid — but grossed-out — beachgoer Candice Quinn writes:

This is the scene at Compo Beach:

For the past few weeks, this has been a regular scene. Geese have claimed the outside shower/bathroom entrances.

They are aggressive, and hiss at anyone who attempts to get close to use the restrooms.

As you can see from the abundance of feces, the shower cannot be used. All of the sidewalks, and even the nice new walkway to the water, are covered with excrement.

(Photos/Candice Quinn)

I don’t remember it ever being this bad in years past. It is a health concern for all beachgoers.

I know the town has approved using dogs to “relocate” the geese. But when?


13 responses to “Oh, Crap!

  1. Michael Calise

    The summer geese are a nuisance and a potential health hazard. There are many explanations as to why they are not on their summer sojourn to Canada but only one solution which is too get rid of them immediately!

  2. Andrew Colabella

    After July 1st, GeeseRelief has been approved for contract and use to be utilizing their dogs to scare the geese away. The dogs are harmless and do not bite the geese but rather chase and intimidate. Incase anyone had questions about the practices of the company and/or tactics their dogs use, there’s videos online. Also, they’ll be with their trainer at all times. They’re working dogs so please give them their space.

  3. Joyce Barnhart

    I would bet that the lack of rainfall and fresh water is why the geese are hanging around the showers, then spreading to the walkways and beaches. I think the “geese wranglers” (dogs) are being held off until all the geese can fly. The parents would likely be very aggressive protecting youngsters that can’t get airborne.
    Michael – For Canada geese, “Canada” means “northern”, not Canadian, as in national origin.

    • Christian Mannino

      We have had plenty of rainfall this year. The reservoirs are full. The geese are not a problem at the other showers on the other side of Joey’s, so if water was the big attraction, they would have spread there too. I don’t think the dogs are going to do much good, since as soon as the dogs leave, the geese will return. Perhaps some kind of temporary fencing can be erected around the areas to keep the geese away.

      • Joyce Barnhart

        While about a 1/2 inch of rain fell this week, we have had very little rainfall recently. The full reservoirs are from winter snow and rain earlier in the year. It’s been dry enough that there have been warnings in the state about the dangers of brush fires. My theory doesn’t hold as much water if the geese aren’t going to other sources, but maybe they’re happy enough with what they’ve got.

  4. Maybe the dogs can be used to scare off the aggressive drivers and horn beepers too, two for one !!!!

  5. Wanda Tedesco

    In addition to that mess they now walk down to the water 20 or so at a time and drop their……….in the sand on the way to take a swim!

  6. Daniel Craig

    We should teach the geese to use the new bathrooms. I mean really … can’t we all get along. Wow. These people in this town are out of touch with reality. Keep driving that giant SUV and talking with your phone in your ha f.

    Ridiculous. Truly

  7. Bill Boyd (Staples '66)

    Use a hose to clean off the mess…. Hopefully the dogs relocate them.

  8. William Hamilton

    A couple shotgun blasts could do the trick! Goose breast meat is tasty if cooked right


  9. Nancy Hunter

    Install a Japanese shishi odoshi, which — ironically — also denotes great wealth.

  10. Terry Anzalone

    This is not a joke–this is a health hazard!
    There will soon be groups of children, at Beach Camp, that will be sitting and eating on top of this. They are all over the lawns where the children are located.