Pic Of The Day #315

Yesterday’s view, from Gilbertie’s Herbs & Garden Center. (Photo/Lynn U. Miller)

6 responses to “Pic Of The Day #315

  1. Looking through a gunsight?

  2. Mary Cookman Schmerker SHS '58

    Gilbertie’s….they are wonderful. Forsythia the first sign of spring. a wonderful picture.

    • Lynn Untermeyer Miller

      Thanks so much, Mary. Gilbertie’s is such a wonderful place to visit…. the plants, the flowers, the people and of course the cats, Talulah, Domino & Clyde. An oasis of warmth and a special remaining bit of the “older” Westport.

      • Mary Cookman Schmerker Staples '58

        I grew up with Gilberties…that is family members. There were two Gilbertie families on Clinton Avenue in the 1950’s. I have always loved their shop and go by when I get back to Westport. On a visit, I think it was two years ago, what did I find to order on a Marriott Menu? A salad with Gilbertie Greens. It was the best salad I have ever eaten. Just to point out how good the greens were, I NEVER put dressings on my salad so I truly appreciate the freshness.