Pic Of The Day #268

Saugatuck Congregational Church (Photo/Storm Sorrentino)

7 responses to “Pic Of The Day #268

  1. Larger than life. Princess bride?

  2. Vanessa Bradford

    Thank you! Beautiful and meaningful

  3. Nice shot!!

  4. Diane Leighsbergh

    Awesome perspective of a Westport treasure. Thank you for sharing Storm.

  5. Bonnie Scott Connolly

    Much of my youth spent at Saugatuck Congregational Church.

  6. Deb Holliday Kintigh, Staples '64

    The MOST beautiful place to worship ~

  7. The steeple of The Saugatuck Church continues to stand tall, beckoning all who wish to share in this work to come through its open doors and to serve in the world.

    “The glory of the Lord, filled the Lord’s house… and they worshipped and gave thanks to the Lord.”

    2 Chronicles 7