Photo Challenge #131

Say what you will about the office building at 21 Charles Street in Saugatuck — and what most people say can’t be repeated in mixed company, or even on “06880” — everyone knows it.

And 14 readers quickly identified last week’s photo challenge as the odd sculpture hanging on the side of the 4-story structure, between Tarry Lodge and the train station.

Congratulations to Drew Seath, David Sampson, Fred Cantor, Jonathan McClure, Peter Barlow, Rick Benson, Seth Braunstein, Diane Silfen, Bobbie Herman, Ginny Hamil Clark, Tom Wall, Linda Amos, John Dodig and Jeanine Esposito for nailing this one. Click here for the photo, and all the comments — including some interesting info on sculptor Harvey Weiss, who at least tried to put lipstick on that concrete pig.

Now, since last week’s photo challenge was so popular, here’s another side-of-a-building image. If you know where in Westport you’d see this, click “Comments” below.

(Photo/Wendy Cusick)

14 responses to “Photo Challenge #131

  1. Fred Cantor

    Restaurant across from the Merritt Superette?

  2. Robert Mitchell


  3. Westport Arts Center?

  4. Jeff Jacobs

    the side of the place we all know as “what used to be Bogie’s” or as “the restaurant across from Coffee An”

  5. Jane Nordli


  6. Those of you who guessed 323 restaurant — the former Bogey’s, Oliver’s and plenty of other restaurants across from Coffee An’ — are correct. They’ve got live jazz everything Thursday, so that’s the connection with the musicians on the side of the building.

  7. Seth Braunstein

    Outside of the old Bogey’s?

    Sent from my iPhone


  8. Going back to last week’s Photo Challenge (#130), it should be noted that there are two sculptures on 21 Charles Street. The one in the photo challenge is on the Franklin Street facade but there is another one on the Charles Street facade. (Maybe, as someone suggested, it was one sculpture broken in two). Last week I guessed that the photo was of the sculpture on 21 Charles Street but before making a comment I Googled the building. It showed the Charles Street sculpture which did not match the photo challenge so I made no comment. With renewed interest from today’s Photo Challenge #131, I re-Googled the building to find the Franklin Street sculpture which, of course, matches the photo.

  9. Lance B. Lundberg


  10. Karen Wambach

    It’s on the side of Restaurant 323…

  11. And before it was Bogey’s it was the Stone’s Throw.

  12. Linda Amos

    The old Bogey’s. It was the Crossroads at one time too!

  13. Joan Kern Soboslai

    323 they have music.

  14. Joyce Losen

    Is it the side of the restaurant 323 where they have jazz on Thursday?