Pic Of The Day #60

Beautiful roses, at the Greens Farms post office. (Photo/Ed Simek)

7 responses to “Pic Of The Day #60

  1. I feel so lucky this is my post office I could walk to. Westport is the best!

  2. This lovely little post office, which is closest to my home, is always bedecked with lovely plantings. And (I shouldn’t say this because it will spoil everything) the lines are shorter than anywhere else.

  3. Lucinda Mirk Setnicka

    06436 Rules! Loved the time the Greens Farms Postmaster called my Mom (must have been some time in the early 60’s) to tell her that her box of baby ducklings had arrived and they were making a lot of noise!

  4. Carol MacDonald

    A big thank you to Wynn Herrmann of the Greens Farms Garden Club for the beautiful roses. They are magnificent!

  5. David Squires

    The 06838, my Home Post. Great Roses in bloom now, Friendly Staff…always! Celebrate it all!

  6. Wynn Herrmann ----member of the Greens Farms Garden Club

    The Greens Farms Garden Club planted the “knock out” roses in 2012 and has maintained them since. Happy to beautify the Greens Farm Post Office.