And The Best Chicken Parm In The State Is…

I usually don’t post “best of…” polls.

But this one is truly important.

USA Today — with the help of local experts CT Bites — is asking readers: Who makes the best chicken parm sandwich in Connecticut?

The winner could be right here in Westport.

Three of the 20 nominees serve that favorite dish right here.

Gaetano’s Deli, Tutti’s Ristorante and the Winfield Street Italian Deli (formerly Art’s) are all in the running.

Click here to vote. (NOTE: You can do it once a day, through April 10).


The Winfield Street Deli chicken parm.

8 responses to “And The Best Chicken Parm In The State Is…

  1. Nancy Hunter

    Yikes! Let’s hope the health care plan gets straightened out — soon!

  2. Jaime Bairaktaris

    Will always be Mario’s

  3. Bill Whitbeck

    Yup…I agree…Mario’s

  4. Fred Jackson

    Tutti’s all the way!

  5. Chicken sandwich, honeymoon style. The Crest.

  6. Warren Shapiro

    I am going to use this article to do my very own personal research on this important subject! Thanks Dan! My personal fave? Molto in Fairfield. Amazing chicken parm panini!!! The best I’ve tasted so far. But I’m on a mission now!

  7. Update: I am in Tutti’s now. They sold out of chicken parm heros! Sold 15 before 1PM! No rolls left! The power of Woog! They are very nice here so I ordered the chicken parm lunch plate. No worries, they ordered more rolls for tomorrow.