A Very Cool Kids’ Kindness Week

On a national level, our rhetoric may be white-hot.

Despite that — or maybe because of it — here in Westport, our kids are playing nice.

Long Lots Elementary School has developed a Caring Council. Last week, students and their faculty advisors, Lori Grindrod and Cecilie Schachte — with the full support of principal Jeffrey Golubchick — rolled out an important event for the entire building.


“Kindness Week” included:

  • Make a Difference Monday
  • Thoughtful Tuesday , during which Caring Council students gave hot chocolate to bus drivers
  • What Can I Do to Help? Wednesday
  • Thank You Thursday
  • Friendship Friday, with a special friendship-themed “super recess.”
Long Lots bus drivers enjoy Kindness Week treats.

Long Lots bus drivers enjoy Kindness Week treats.

The Westport school system has embraced “kindness with sincerity” as a guiding principle. Is it naive to ask if some of our leaders in Washington could follow suit?

(Hat tip: Amy Chatterjee)

Long Lots 3rd graders made this quilt, showing what kindness means to them.

Long Lots 3rd graders created this quilt, showing what kindness means to them.

3 responses to “A Very Cool Kids’ Kindness Week

  1. It’s a lovely thought, but I hope the kindness lasts more than just a week.

  2. It is actually sad that we now have to create events designed to teach and encourage kindness and that this is not an intuitive instinct anymore.

  3. Sandra Johnson

    Yes to Bobbie Herman’s comment. As a former teacher (30 yrs) of children from K through grade 8 , I always tried to impress upon the kids “to be kind to each other” I am sure most teachers do this, but teachers only have the kids roughly 5 hrs a day – so other influences, unfortunately
    are out there!