“Save Cockenoe Now” Posters: The Sequel

Yesterday’s post about the “Save Cockenoe Now” posters at Walter and Naiad Einsel’s estate sale reminded readers of a past political battle: When Westporters saved Cockenoe Island from becoming the site of a nuclear power plant.

Everyone who was here then also remembers the Einsels’ iconic artwork.

But alert “06880” reader Jeff Manchester went over to the sale, and found other posters that never gained that cult-status attention. It’s kind of like finding unreleased Beatles tapes, nearly 50 years later.

Here, in all their late-’60s, trippy glory, are 3 of those “unreleased” posters. I particularly like the “Fishin’, Not Fission'” one.

Thankfully — with a big boost from the Einsels — we’re here today to tell that tale.




5 responses to ““Save Cockenoe Now” Posters: The Sequel

  1. Leslie Orofino

    Jo Fox should always be remembered as the leader of the entire movement !!

    Leslie Orofino leslieorofino@aol.com

  2. Gosh I do remember this fight snd I had forgotten that Mrs Fox was a leader in this…she was my art teacher in Saugatuck elementary school and ran Selective Eye downtown if I have the right person.

  3. Just shows how art can move mountains.

  4. Sharon Paulsen

    Did Max’s have any of these pieces (or other similar ones) displayed at various times?

    They look so familiar, so I’ve seen them somewhere before.