3 Hours Of Cribari Bridge Talk

If you missed Wednesday night’s meeting at Town Hall — the one at which the Department of Transportation heard input from Westporters about the future of the William Cribari (aka Bridge Street) Bridge — hey, no problem!

The entire 3-hour, 21-minute affair has been posted on the town website.

Just click here. Then sit back and enjoy!

The historic and controversial Bridge Street (William F. Cribari) Bridge. (Photo/Wendy Crowther)

The historic and controversial Bridge Street (William F. Cribari) Bridge. (Photo/Wendy Crowther)


3 responses to “3 Hours Of Cribari Bridge Talk

  1. Great while you’re stuck in I95 overflow on Greens Farms Road!

  2. or waiting for the tide to drop to get out on the river.

  3. safe bet that – if there is an afterlife – William Cribari himself is totally enjoying, and I mean this in a really complimentary way because he was and clearly still is such an important asset to the character of downtown Westport, all of this activity taking place about him 😉 His namesake is worth fighting for, he really was important in solidifying the good character of downtown Westport as safe and enjoyable, pleasant.