A True Saugatuck Shores “Find”

Alert — and proofreading — “06880” reader Jeff Manchester was strolling around Saugatuck Shores yesterday.

For the 1st time, he looked closely at a sign he’s seen often:

Saugatuck Shores sign

Good to know it won’t cost us a cent to launch or trailer park at Canal Beach!

5 responses to “A True Saugatuck Shores “Find”

  1. Dan Lasley (Laz)

    This means that if you launched from your trailer and then became lost between Cockenoe and Sprite Island after sunset, they will come and find you and/or then arrest you.

  2. Gloria Gouveia, Land Use Consultants

    Hmmm. And violators who can’t be found, can’t be arrested.

  3. Good one, Jeff! I had been meaning to photograph that sign for Dan. I couldn’t decide whether the police meant “we’ll find you” or, better, that if I launch my trailer they’ll be “fine” with it!

  4. Michael Calise

    all who breathe will be find

  5. Sharon Paulsen

    LOL LOL!!