In Case You Base Your Vote On More Than Road Signs…

Opinions are like you-know-whats: Everyone’s got ’em.

Westporters know exactly what to do about Baron’s South, the education budget, tree-cutting, downtown parking, Compo Beach, affordable housing, bike lanes, and a thousand different topics.

We are not afraid to share our thousands of different views with our elected officials.

When those officials disagree with us, we think it’s their fault. Even if we did not vote in the election that put them in office.

Knowledge is power.

LWV my town my voteIf you’d like to know exactly who you’re voting for next month — besides seeing their names on lawn signs — come to a pair of League of Women Voters-sponsored debates.

Tomorrow (Monday, October 5) focuses on candidates for the Planning & Zoning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals and Board of Assessment Appeals.

On Wednesday, October 14, meet Board of Education and Board of Finance hopefuls.

Both sessions are set for Town Hall, at 7 p.m.

But wait! There’s more!

Both days, at 6:15 p.m., voters can meet Representative Town Meeting (RTM) candidates. They’re our unsung civic backbone, with power over everything from final budgets to plastic bags.

Around the world, people continue to die for the right to vote. Here in Westport, you just have to go around the corner.

11 responses to “In Case You Base Your Vote On More Than Road Signs…

  1. cheryl mckenna

    Great artical Dan and knowledge is powerful so vote locally as I believe it effects us even more than nationally

  2. I believe those meetings/sessions will also be aired on Channel 79.

  3. If you don’t vote, you have no right to complain.
    Australia’s compulsory voting makes sense.

    • No it doesn’t.

      • Glad someone was “listening”! This was a test, only a test!
        Yes, Democracy does mean one can choose to participate, or not.

        Those who choose not to participate, however, should keep their mouths shut.

        • No they should not, Should people who do not live in Westport, do not pay real estate taxes in Westport, and do not vote in Westport keep their mouths shut about Westport ? Wouldn’t that be great !

          • Nancy Hunter Wilson

            I’ve just erased a long reply, and have decided to keep my mouth shut.

            You win, Mr. Petrino: “Where Westport Meets Westport”.

            • Jerry MacDaid

              Nancy, it is possible you missed his point. Paraphrasing, you said “if you don’t vote, shut up”. Again paraphrasing, he disagreed suggesting “even if you don’t vote, you should be allowed to speak your mind” further making an analogy of your statement to commenting on Westport when you don’t live in Westport. I believe he was attempting to use irony to make his point.

              Or not. I could be wrong.

              • You are right.

              • Nancy Hunter Wilson

                Of course I understood his irony, which is why I’ll get my Westport “news” from anywhere else than this blog from now on.

                • Jerry MacDaid

                  If you understood, then I’m confused why you are seemingly offended and leaving in a huff. Not that I have a burning need to convince you to hang around and comment but Michael was supporting your right to do just that notwithstanding you live elsewhere.