If You Teach Some Kids To Fish…

Summer vacation ends with a crash on Monday. The 1st day of school is ominously close.

But last evening, a mother gave a lesson of a different type to her kids. Alert “06880” reader Fred Cantor was at Old Mill Beach, and captured this classic Westport scene:

Fishing lesson at Old Mill Beach - Fred Cantor

4 responses to “If You Teach Some Kids To Fish…

  1. That looked like my classroom. As homeschool Mom with grown children, I remember those and so many more teachable moments that, quite frankly, continue even today. Parents will always be the first, primary and hopefully, most positively influential teacher a child will have in their lives.
    You go, Girl. And as always, thanks for sharing, Dan…

  2. thanks Dan; I forgot how clean and cool the water is there!    Karen Trout Rainbow Hill Farm


  3. I wish more people would apply the simple rules of teaching their children about the great outdoors and the solitude of nature. Much better than a stagnant video game and a so much healthier mentally! These kids are fortunate to have the mother they have! More parents can learn from this! Tremendous teachable moment…and fun too!

  4. Nancy W Hunter

    Another lovely photo, Fred. I look forward to a compilation of your work.